Review | Papa Recipe Bombee Honey sheet mask

I’ve been liking my current set up lately — no frills, just a plain white background. Do you guys like this or should I change it up? It’s been the easiest for my schedule so I think you’ll be seeing plain whites for a while lol

To start off, I’d like to introduce the brand: Papa Recipe, the natural brand with actions 💛

Their main idea is to find and use plants, fruits, vegetables or herbs that can treat skincare ailments much like how the brand originator did for his daughter. They believe that the answer to good products are found in the field, not in an office or lab and they mostly use natural, proven ingredients + they’re cruelty-free, too!

Papa Recipe Bombee Honey sheet mask by AV Cado - 1

#PapaRecipePH Bombee Honey sheet mask* (25g)
— a treatment sheet mask made with nature’s best ingredients
Best for:
dry/damaged/sensitive skin
Most notable ingredients
: royal bee jelly to help heal damaged skin; honey extract for vitamin/nutrition/moisture; propolis extract for skin protection & nutrition supply; allantoin; gold complex
Something to note: has a natural pulp sheet mask suitable for the most sensitive skin and is also alcohol-, & paraben-free
Suggested use: 20-30 minutes
How I use it: After cleanser, toner, serum, and spot/acne treatment; before moisturizer

Papa Recipe Bombee Honey sheet mask by AV Cado - 2

• I’ve been breaking out recently and tho I think I’m purging (again), my skin has been getting drier and more dehydrated. My stash isn’t ready for my current condition since I’ve always had combination skin (leaning to normal, but still sensitive) & this was a huge help

— smells very similar to my Origani manuka honey scrub – I haven’t owned manuka honey, just normal ones, so I can’t vouch if it smells like the edible version
— this has a lot of great ingredients for the skin that’s mostly for anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, moisture & hydration (phew! If you’d like a detailed ingredients list breakdown, Candid Glow made a very comprehensive one!)
— I love how this really helped boost my hydration and moisturization! I always get plumper and calmer skin after every use
— (forgot to mention this in my IG post) this is a bit tacky at first but give it a good 2-3 minutes to set before you apply your moisturizer
— there’s a lot of essence inside; you can probably save it if you’d like to use the excess some other time
— my fungal acne (FA) was not triggered
— the mask’s fit on me was okay, sheet itself was on the thin-semi thick side

± this does contain fragrance but it’s at the bottom of the list; I had no issues with this
— I really have no negatives for this mask – I’m already down to my last one (I love it that much! 😭😂)

Papa Recipe Bombee Honey sheet mask by AV Cado Ingredients

This is a bit pricier than the usual masks at 3.5USD/sheet (±179.52PHP) but its so worth it! You get such a great line up of ingredients and it really delivers. The hype is real. I’m almost kind of disappointed in myself because I’ve only discovered this now lol. I’ve used this on my most sensitive week of every month and it’s been great.

I’d highly suggest this for people with normal-dry or dehydrated skin and for those who have active acne since this really helped calm mine down. This might feel a bit too thick/heavy for oily skin types but when this happens to me, I just wipe the excess off with a tissue/napkin.

Again, I forgot to add this in my original IG post — I despise sheet masks with tacky finishes. I’d like to note that this does have a tacky feeling BUT only for the first minute or two. I give it good 2-3 minutes for it to completely set on my skin and the tackiness goes away. I also didn’t need to wipe down any excess and I put what was left of the essence on the rest of my body. Just make sure to gently massage the essence in and tap your skin afterward — I like to tap it in when it’s in a slightly damp state just to speed things up a bit as well.

Surprise! @paparecipe_ph will be available on @beautymnl starting October 28! Make sure to add this to your cart and hit the check out because you seriously don’t want to miss this! And beware of counterfeits! I’ve only learned recently that there are fake productions of this mask — maybe it’s that good since it’s being copied like this but please purchase your products from reliable and only stores that offer authentic products. I haven’t noted of any official reseller yet; will update this post if I do!
*PR/Gifted || all thoughts are my own

WHERE TO BUY (starting October 28, 2019):


Original post on Instagram

This is not sponsored. All thoughts are my own and, of course, YMMV! What works for me might not work for you and vice versa 🙂

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